Jonathan Baldock features in 'Phantom Sculpture'
Phantom Sculpture brings together sculptures by some of the most important artists working today and puts them into conversation with key works by older artists.
During the exhibition, several works that are present at the beginning of the project will disappear and be replaced with new sculptures, to create different interactions and connections between artists.
The exhibition creates a dynamic interplay between works from previous decades and the bold visions of today’s artists, as inspiration and influences connect.
The exhibition features works by Rebecca Ackroyd, Jonathan Baldock, Anthony Caro, Jesse Darling, Richard Deacon, Mona Hatoum, Sarah Lucas and Rachel Whiteread. Other artists exhibited include Joseph Buckley, Phoebe Collings-James, Redd Ekks, Kira Freije, Barabra Hepworth, Philip Lai, Kim Lim, Veronica Ryan, William Turnbull, Jala Wahid, Nicole Wermers and Dominique White.
Phantom Sculpture brings together sculptures by some of the most important artists working today and puts them into conversation with key works by older artists.