Pam Glick
White Columns presents a solo exhibition by the Buffalo, New York-based artist Pam Glick. The presentation comprises of a group of twenty paintings, typically made with oil and enamel paint, that together might be understood as psychologically-charged landscapes.
In her work, Glick often returns to, or perhaps more accurately departs from, a schematic image of Niagara Falls, a recurring visual metaphor for both the inevitability of change and the potential for renewal, which she subsequently abstracts and deconstructs, creating in turn visceral, complex, and labyrinthine paintings that suggest a form of psychological and emotional mapping. Glick’s gestural mark making is often calligraphic; fragmentary language, from a wide range of sources, manifests in the work, establishing a kind of visual ‘patois’, a lyrical aesthetic-narrative form, at once legible and illegible.