Pam Glick features in 'Lost Cat: Art in the Age of Social Media'
Group exhibition 'Lost Cat' explores the seismic changes in the ways people communicate and connect facilitated by technology and various forms of social media. The presentation focuses on artists working in new directions in contemporary art and examines the importance of materiality, immediacy, confrontation. and new understandings of composition and intention, ultimately acknowledging the hand of the artist and the need for community.
Artists featured include: Andre van der Wende, Anne Flash, Ayn S. Choi, Bailey Bob Bailey, Bernard Klevickas, Bert Yarborough, Betty Carroll Fuller, Bonny Leibowitz, Breon Dunigan, Brian Edmonds, Carole Ann Danner, Colleen Deery, Damien Hoar de Galvan, Dennis Masback, Elizabeth Gourlay, Ellen Rich, Emily Auchincloss, Eric Hibit, Farrell Brickhouse, Frankie Gardiner, Gerry McLean, Helen O’Leary, Irene Lipton, James Austin Murray, James Balla, Jan Lhormer, Jody Morlock, Joe Diggs, Judy Rifka, Julie Torres, Katherine Bradford, Liza Bingham, Maddy Rosenberg, Mark Milroy, Michael Ballou, Michael Ricardo Andreev, Noe Jimenez, Ola Manana, Pam Glick, Paul Bowen, Peter Reginato, Peter Williams, Polly Schindler, Robert Henry, Sue Post, Susan Breen, Susan Carr, Susan Lyman, Susan Rostow, Valerie Brennan, Vicky Tomayko, Wendy Klemperer and Zehra Khan.