Izumi Kato features in 'Living in Figures'
Nizayama Art Park Power Plant Museum presents ‘Living in Figures’, a joint exhibition by two internationally renowned contemporary artists from Japan and China, Izumi Kato and Chen Fei. Located in the water-rich town of Nyuzen in Toyama Prefecture, the museum features a vast and dynamic exhibition space refurbished from an old water power plant. The exhibition brings the two artists together under a common interest in ‘people’. ‘Living in Figures’ comprises 12 works by Kato and 12 by Chen, which include Kato’s recent paintings and a large sculpture over 3 meters high, Chen’s new large paintings and 1 sculpture. Despite differences in their cultural backgrounds, generations and artistic style, the two artists demonstrate a shared, common belief in the harmonious coexistence of human beings and living organisms.