Objects Like Us is a group exhibition at The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, Connecticut. Featuring nearly seventy tabletop art objects by more than fifty artists, the exhibition explores experiences of small scale objects that embody a human condition or attribute. Spanning nearly sixty years, the objects on display include site-specific floor installations and works created specifically for the exhibition.
Artists include: David Adamo (b. 1979), Yuji Agematsu (b. 1956), Sam Anderson (b. 1982), Janine Antoni (b. 1964), Robert Arneson (1930‒1992), Jonathan Baldock (b. 1980), Mary Bauermeister (b. 1934), Genesis Belanger (b. 1978), Brian Belott (b. 1973), Daniel Bozhkov (b. 1959), Eugene Von Bruenchenhein (1910‒1983), James Lee Byars (1932‒1997), Pia Camil (b. 1980), Jennifer Paige Cohen (b. 1972), Jeff Davis (b. 1967), Rainer Ganahl (b. 1961), Liz Glynn (b. 1981), Ben Gocker (b. 1979), David Hammons (b. 1943), K8 Hardy (b. 1977), Lynn Hershman Leeson (b. 1941), Christian Holstad (b. 1972), Matt Hoyt (b. 1975), Jessica Jackson Hutchins (b. 1971), Jamie Isenstein (b. 1975), Lisa Kirk (b. 1967), Tetsumi Kudo (1935‒1990), Thomas Lanigan-Schmidt (b. 1948), Hanna Liden (b. 1976); Pam Lins (b. 1957), Nicolas Lobo (b. 1979), Alice Mackler (b. 1931), Joanna Malinowska (b. 1972), Tony Matelli (b. 1971), Ruby Neri (b. 1970), Sheila Pepe (b. 1959), Mai-Thu Perret (b. 1976), Sarah Peters (b. 1973), Michael Portnoy (b. 1971); Vanessa Safavi (b. 1980), Lucas Samaras (b. 1936), Aki Sasamoto (b. 1980), Sally Saul (b. 1946); Katy Schimert (b. 1963), Michelle Segre (b. 1965), Rudy Shepherd (b. 1975), Bruce M. Sherman (b. 1942), Diane Simpson (b. 1935), Luke Stettner (b. 1979), Alina Szapocznikow (1926‒1973), Francis Upritchard (b. 1976), Marianne Vitale (b. 1973), Nari Ward (b. 1963), Hannah Wilke (1940‒1993), and Rosha Yaghmai (b. 1979).
Objects Like Us is one chapter in a series of concurrent exhibitions at The Aldrich brought together under the title The Domestic Plane: New Perspectives on Tabletop Art Objects, all of which explore the nature of small objects and our relationship to them.