Mamma Andersson features in 'Heat/ Energy'
Mamma Andersson is included in 'Heat/ Energy', a group exhibition which opens at Kummelholmen, Stockholm in September 2021 before travelling to Körsbärsgården, Gotland. Inspired by the Kummelholmen's architecture, location and former function as a district heating centre, the exhibition explores the interconnections between art, culture, society and ecology.
From the dark, cold industrial rooms of Kummelholmen, the exhibition travels to the contrasting location of the Körsbärsgården, an ecologically run venue bathed in light and warmth and created specifically for exhibiting and discussing art, culture, literature and philosophy.
The project originated with the international art collective, ‘GoGo' and is curated by Jonas Ellerström, Torbjörn Johansson and Martin Ålun.